A hail storm hammers down, winds gust up and its bloody freezing. That was just in my garden getting the kayak out. I arrive at Aberthaw just after Taran with a grin on my face as a view of carnage reveals itself. Noel turns up with the same look on his face. We head for Barry old harbour instead.
Dark squally clouds linger and pass by, big swell bring in large waves. We decide to get on the water and get a feel for the conditions. A securite goes over the radio for a force 10 just as I push off.
Some of the waves on the beach were pretty huge and after a few bongo slides we take a back seat and ride the swell waves instead.
These shots were taken from the shore. The weather was very come and go and typically it dies down a lot when I get off the water to get some shots of the action.
Noel who did his first ever sea trip with us last week getting stuck in with the rough stuff.
We stick to the harbour and do a few runs on the waves.
Me and Taran then head out to the marker buoy to enjoy some of the bigger swells off the head land.
This wave in particular takes Taran for a ride and rears up quite big carrying him off towards the cliffs.
We try to persuade Noel out to the edge of the bay but I think he was just about at the edge of his comfort zone. I know the feeling.
Taran wanders off while I chat to Noel about conditions and limits.
Then like a flick of a switch this happens.
(Pic by Taran) Caught in a squall I try to turn my boat toward the beach. Noel facing in the right direction shoots of for safety, hes safe, now wheres Taran? The wind picks up and takes my paddle out of my hand. Turning for the beach proves impossible. Taran turns up and we try to sit it out as we get blown closer to the breakers near the breakwater. Our best bet is to turn in with the wind and try to land. The Nells Point weather station picks up a max 60 knot wind at this time.
The weather finally breaks again into glorious sunshine and we make our way back across the bay and call it a day. A great day to kick off the new year while making the best of the bad weather.
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