After last weekends eventful misfortune I thought it would be best to keep a low profile this weekend. Also it was a big spring tide with low water smack bang in the middle of the day and didnt really fancy the long carry or same old trip to Porthcawl and back. Pity because its been a glorious weekend.
We took the boys down to the beach late afternoon an hour before high tide. I took my boat along so I could take the short paddle home, hopefully catch a good sunset or maybe a shot of the "supper moon" (moon is supposed to be much closer to earth this weekend, hence the big tides).
The Jurassic Limestone cliffs of the Glamorgan coast were highlighted by the low afternoon sun.
I traced the yellow cliffs bleeding off into the distance leading me home. There was a slight swell but the sea was lovely and calm.
This looks like a fairly fresh fall, the sediments of limestone still stacked in place. It wont be long before the sea breaks them up.
The horizontal sediments slope off drasticly then settle flat again. Theres not much beach left now.
Looking back the sun is dipping down behind a low band of cloud above the horizon, no chance of a sun set then!
Light is fading fast by the time I reach Aberthaw Power Station.
The end of a nice short gentle trip to feed my appetite this weekend. I phone the wife to pick me up and tell her Im in another life boat..he-he.
A paddle around Cardiff Bay Monday night then probably another local trip next weekend. Im Hoping to get out west the following week, get in a trip around Skomer Island for the arrival of the first migratory birds.
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